IriTemplate explained with an example

Note: This article uses term URI and IRI interchangebly, IRIs being genaralized form of URIs supporting Unicode. (For more information see rfc for URI and rfc for IRI)

IRI Templates provide an easy and elegant way to describe a range of IRIs with help of variable expansion. In context of hypermedia driven APIs IRI templates are particularly useful when the server can’t construct a URI by itself; only the client possess the required information to construct desired IRI.

Hydra provides IriTemplate class which can be used to provide IRI template to smart clients, which can be used by those clients to construct valid IRIs. As the title of this article suggest we will use an example to explain working of IriTemplate in detail.


    "@context": "/serverapi/context.jsonld",
    "@id": "",
    "@type": "Collection",
    "search": {
        "@type": "IriTemplate",
        "template": "{z}/{x}/{y}.examplejsonld",
        "variableRepresentation": "BasicRepresentation",
        "mapping": [
                "@type": "IriTemplateMapping",
                "variable": "x",
                "property": "tiles:longitudeTile",
                "required": true
                "@type": "IriTemplateMapping",
                "variable": "y",
                "property": "tiles:latitudeTile",
                "required": true
                "@type": "IriTemplateMapping",
                "variable": "z",
                "property": "tiles:zoomTile",
                "required": true

You can find more details related to this example here

As explained above, in tiled maps when we open a map the client side code uses some formula(the formula may vary according to the tile numbering convention used by the service provider) which uses latitude, longitude and zoom to get tile identifiers(here x and y). When it has value of x and y to identify a tile it makes request to the server for that individual tile.

For example will return the tile identified by x = 22994 and y = 14232 with zoom 15. For x = 22990 and y = 14232 and zoom = 15 the URI will be, same way we can construct URIs for different comibnations of X, Y and zoom. To represent such range of URIs we can use an URI template(IRI template){z}/{x}/{y}.

Such IRI templates can be put in use with help of Hydra IriTemplate class. It consists of a literal template and a set of mappings(IriTemplateMapping). template holds the IRI template, here{z}/{x}/{y}.examplejsonld and IriTemplateMapping maps varibles in the template with properties and may specify whether the variable is required or not.

In the example above variables x, y and z maps to tiles:longiudeTile, tiles:latitudeTile and tiles:zoomTile respectively. And all these variables are specified as required to expand the IRI template and create a valid IRI.

As the name suggests variableRepresenation specifies how the IRI template will be expanded and serialized when values of variables are provided. As of now it can possibly have one of two values either BasicRepresentation or ExplicitRepresentation. BasicRepresentation does not differentiate between literals and IRIs, it simple omits data-type and language information of literals. While ExplicitRepresentation diffrentiates between literals and IRIs by surrounding literals with double quotes(“) and it also explicitly specifies language and data-type information of literals, for more see detailed example. The client side code might look like this

var client = new HydraClient();
var collection = client.get("/api/planet");
if ( {
    var filter = {};
    for (let mapping of {
        filter[mapping.variable] = value of variable; # set value of x, y and z

    var query = urlTemplate
        .expand(filter);                              # expand the IRI
    var data = client.get(query);
    for (var member of data.members) {
        // do something with the _member_, i.e. display it

With help of all these a Hydra enabled client can expand the IRI template with provided values of variables. If in future the URI is changed from{z}/{x}/{y} to{z}/{y}/{x} the client won’t have any difficulty adjusting to it. Client will receive following kind of response from the server

    "@context": "/serverapi/context.jsonld",
    "@id": "",
    "@type": "Collection",
    "search": {
        "@type": "IriTemplate",
        "template": "{z}/{y}/{x}.examplejsonld",
        "variableRepresentation": "BasicRepresentation",
        "mapping": [
                "@type": "IriTemplateMapping",
                "variable": "x",
                "property": "tiles:longitudeTile",
                "required": true
                "@type": "IriTemplateMapping",
                "variable": "y",
                "property": "tiles:latitudeTile",
                "required": true
                "@type": "IriTemplateMapping",
                "variable": "z",
                "property": "tiles:zoomTile",
                "required": true

From the reponse data above and the client-side code given above we can see that the client side code won’t require any changes and keep functioning normally. For x = 22990 and y = 14232 and zoom = 15 the URI constucted by the client will be

Searching interface supported by hydrus

hydrus utilizes above explained IriTemplate to provide a searching interface over collection of items. To every collection response it attaches an IriTempale. This IriTemplate has template mapping defined for all the properties of the objects contained by the collection. For illustration the IriTemplate generated for DroneCollection(defined in our flock-vocab) is attached below.

"template":"/serverapi/DroneCollection(DroneState[Speed], DroneState[Position], DroneState[Direction], DroneState[Battery],
           DroneState[SensorStatus], DroneState[DroneURI], name, model, MaxSpeed, Sensor)",

hydrus also provides suppport for searching over sub-properties of properties. Variable names of such properties are formed as ` MainProperty[subProperty]. For example to search for all the Drones going in some particular direction, client can use the DroneState[Direction]` variable.