Pagination with hydra:PartialCollectionView and client-initiated pagination

hydrus provides support for basic pagination through hydra:PartialCollectionView. By default hydrus always returns paginated response for collections, user can disable it by using --no-pagination command while staring the server. The defualt page size is 10 which can be changed using the --pagesize or --ps CLI parameter while launching the server. If pagination is enabled then every request to get collection will return a view of the collection with a fixed number of maximum elements it can contain. It will also provide controls to get other pages(views) of the same collection.

Example Response :

  "@id":  "" ,
  "@type":  "Collection" ,
  "member": [ {
      "@id":  "/DroneCollection/2sdmsd1iw3mskce6"​ ,
      "@type":  "Drone"
      "@id":  "/DroneCollection/cjn3udneuh73db5f"​ ,
      "@type":  "Drone"
      "@id":  "/DroneCollection/feidndn37dnuff8w"​ ,
      "@type":  "Drone"
      "@id":  "/DroneCollection/fuefh37hdedh311q"​ ,
      "@type":  "Drone"
  "totalItems" :  100 ,
  "view": {
      "@id":  "/DroneCollection?page=3" ,
      "@type":  "PartialCollectionView" ,
      "first":  "/DroneCollection?page=1" ,
      "previous":  "/DroneCollection?page=2" ,
      "next":  "/DroneCollection?page=4" ,
      "last":  "/DroneCollection?page=25" ,

Client-initiated pagination:

Client-initiated(or client-controlled) pagination gives the control of pagination mechanism to the client. With the help of IriTemplate discussed here, hydrus attachs an IriTemplate with IriTemplateMappings for limit, offset and pageIndex. Then client can use this parameters to control how pagination is done.

Example response for limit = 1:
  "@context": "/serverapi/contexts/DroneCollection.jsonld",
  "@id": "/serverapi/DroneCollection/",
  "@type": "DroneCollection",
  "members": [
      "@id": "/serverapi/DroneCollection/cf5d8c22-6341-4ed0-8820-1c899ff849d8",
      "@type": "Drone"
  "search": {
    "@type": "IriTemplate",
    "mapping": [
        "@type": "IriTemplateMapping",
        "property": "",
        "required": false,
        "variable": "DroneState[Speed]"
     .../other search params
        "@type": "IriTemplateMapping",
        "property": "pageIndex",
        "required": false,
        "variable": "pageIndex"
        "@type": "IriTemplateMapping",
        "property": "limit",
        "required": false,
        "variable": "limit"
        "@type": "IriTemplateMapping",
        "property": "offset",
        "required": false,
        "variable": "offset"
    "template": "/serverapi/Drone(DroneState[Speed], DroneState[Position], DroneState[Direction], DroneState[Battery], DroneState[SensorStatus], DroneState[DroneID], name, model, MaxSpeed, Sensor, pageIndex, limit, offset)",
    "variableRepresentation": "hydra:BasicRepresentation"
  "totalItems": 2,
  "view": {
    "@id": "/serverapi/DroneCollection?limit=1&page=1",
    "@type": "PartialCollectionView",
    "first": "/serverapi/DroneCollection?limit=1&page=1",
    "last": "/serverapi/DroneCollection?limit=1&page=2",
    "next": "/serverapi/DroneCollection?limit=1&page=2"